lørdag 10. april 2010


Av snille og talentfulle Eva Helen har jeg fått denne awarden:

Tusen takk, setter stor pris på det. Sjekk ut Eva Helen sin blogg, hun lager masse fint.

Og her er det som følger med awarden:
  1. Give a top ten list of the things that make you happy.
  2. Give a top five list of trivia about yourself.
  3. Share the award with only five persons and ask them to do the same things.
  4. Link the blogs you choose, and link the blog of the person who awarded you.
- Family and friends
- making cards
- blogging
- singing
- a good laugh
- a good book
- candy ;)
- a good movie
- travelling

- I`m a quite good singer
- I`m crasy about sports
- I`ve had over 40 surgeries
- I`m very good at making pizza ;)
- I hate housework :(

And the award goes to:
1. Wenche 2. Fiona 3. Janne 4. Gry-Beate 5. Berit

Everyone should have gotten one, but only five could get this. And I`m totally aware that some of you probably gets this award more than one time and don`t have the time to pass it on one more time.(because it takes some time to do that) I totally understand this(smiling;)

Keep smiling ladies ;)

5 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Therese,
    Thank you very much for this award, I am really flattered that you thought of me. I will pass it on in the next one or two days.
    Fiona x

  2. Tusen takk for award'en, Therese! Det setter jeg så pris på. Nå har jeg fått flere av denne så nå får jeg vel snart se å legge det ut.

    Ha en fin fin søndag!

    Klem Wenche

  3. Gratulerer med masse velfortjent award,og tusen takk for at du gir den videre!
    Kortet i innlegget under her er knallstilig!
    Ha en flotters og kreativ kommende uke!

  4. Tusen,tusen takk:) Denne setter jeg veldig stor pris på.
    Stor klem fra Berit.

  5. Åååå snille du!! Denne setter jeg kjempe stor pris på Therese!!!Sender den rett tilbake til deg!!



Tusen takk for alle hyggelige kommentarer! Thank you for all your sweet comments! :)


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